Cecelia Blanco - Mum

Hey Cecelia, thats a great photo of you and your mum, love the white flowers you have used and great to see you have added the distressing technigue to your page. Well done - Shazza
Hi Sharon,
Well my tomato finally arrived today so I was able to do up my Fried Green Tomatoes Sample:
As far as criteria go, I have scrapped about my mother and her cooking as she is about as passionate about that as I am about scrapbooking. I have used green as a part of my title, I have Green and Red as the ‘feature’ colours on my page, and I have a tomato (the charm attached to one of the buttons). This is what I was waiting to arrive.
Regards, Anne P.
Beautiful page Anne, love all the different fonts in the title that you have used, great pic of your mum cooking up a storm, love your little tomatoe charm lol. your page has come up beautiful.... love it!! - Shazza