Mary Steinmetz - Sisters

Hi Shazza,
Here is my layout, I If hope you like it.
It's so funny I have never seen this movie before, so what I did, I google the famous quotes, and here is what I came up with.
"I found out what the secret to life is Friends....Best Friends"
This is a picture of me (blue tank, yes I'm blonde in this picture.) with my 4 sisters taken the summer of 1990.
I'm am so close to my sisters it like a circle of friendship.
Have a great day. -MAry
Hey Mary! Of course I like it , you've done a great job, and followed the criteria to a tee.......I can see your tomatoe in the bottom L/H corner lol. A great theme to scrap to.........'you and your sisters'. You should grab a copy of the movie it's really a great flick!! Thanks for joining in and good luck when we do our voting at the end of the month. - Shazza